[2nd Mini Album] The Shapes of Dreams Part 02. Nightmares

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The Shapes of Dreams Part 02. Nightmares Mini Album

iCE GARDEN A.508의 두번째 미니 앨범이 발매되었습니다. 'The Shapes of Dreams Part 02. Nightmares'의 컬렉션 인스퍼레이션 스토리를 바탕으로 사랑의 설렘과 슬픔으로 인해 악몽들로 밤잠을 설치는 풋사랑에 대한 서정적인 가사들과 감성적인 발라드, 극적인 신시사이저 그리고 오토튠이 뒤섞인 노래들을 Youtube Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, instagram, Tiktok, flo에서 만나보세요.

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Amazon Music

Track 01. Puppy Love

Music Director: Taylor Sierra

Composers: Taylor Sierra, Sophie Sohee Chung

Lyricist: Sophie Sohee Chung

There’s cherry blossom in my hair. Outside in the pouring rain.

Don’t stop raining. Let it wash away my pain

I’ve been rolling dice. Dices move opposite ways 

There’s something wrong. Feel the pain.

Can’t move my fingers. Can’t say the word.

Trapped in silence. It's so absurd.

It freaks me out. How stuck my mouth.

I can feel the pain. No way out.

Freaks me out. So lost and bound.

Can’t break free. My scream no sound.

I’ve been crying all night. Endless stream.

Can’t stop crying. Shattered dreams.

The tears are spilling over. Drowning me.

Reached my knees. I can't breathe.

There’s something weird. How sad it seems.

How pathetic. Caught in between.

Suddenly I know. This ain't real.

Just an illusion. That I feel.

Cherry blossom falls. Mixes with the rain. 

Outside's a torrent. Inside's the same.

Caught in a storm. Can't escape the game.

In this chaos. I’ll remain.

Track 02. Puppy Love (Nostalgic Ver.)

Music Director: Taylor Sierra

Composers: Taylor Sierra, Sophie Sohee Chung

Lyricist: Sophie Sohee Chung

Cherry blossoms tangled in my hair, outside in the pourin' rain,

Drenched, don't stop rainin', let it wash away my pain.

Dice rollin', feel 'em slide, move in opposite ways,

There's somethin' wrong, can't escape this haze.

Fingers twisted, can't speak the word,

Trapped in silence, world's absurd.

Mind's bound, logic's slurred,

Lost in shadows, vision blurred.

Freaks me out, my mouth stuck tight,

Feel the pain, no end in sight.

This nightmare, lost and bound,

Can't scream, no sound.

Rivers flow down my cheeks, cried all night,

Endless stream, tears ignite.

Can't stop, emotions fight,

Drowning deep, no respite.

Silent echoes, mind’s confound,

Heartbeats lost, rhythm drowned.

Voice might scream if it found,

A way through fog, chains unbound.

Thoughts spiral, sense unwound,

Eyes wide shut, lost and found.

Chains of pain, forever bound,

Silent wails, not a sound.

Track 03. Meet-Cute(Sweet Ver.)

Music Director: Taylor Sierra

Composers: Taylor Sierra, Sophie Sohee Chung

Lyricist: Sophie Sohee Chung

Remember our meet-cute scene?

It’s not like stories say.

You weren’t my brightest ray

you were sweet in every way

I can't stop thinking of you

I smiled thinking of you

It may be puppy love

You make me so special

Want to see you

Want to be beside you

Your smile lights me up

Your whisper is sweet

You broke my heart

I can feel the pain

It freaks me out

I’ve been crying all night

Can't hold your hand

Can't call your name

It’s just a nightmare 

Feels like illusion

Track 04. Meet-cute

Music Director: Taylor Sierra

Composers: Taylor Sierra, Sophie Sohee Chung

Lyricist: Sophie Sohee Chung

Remember our meet-cute scene?

No fairytales we know

You weren't the perfect dream

But it felt like home

I crave to see you now

To be beside your light

Your smile it lights me up

Makes the wrongs feel so right

Want to see you want to feel you close

You're the one that I miss the most

In my dreams where I find you

Hold me tight let's break through

When you left I felt the sting

Every single day

Shadows crept and cloaked my heart

Wish you could have stayed

Your whisper's sugar sweet

Enough to melt this heart

Though you broke it into pieces

Tearing it apart

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통신 판매업신고번호: 2019-서울중구-0955

주소: 서울시 마포구 포은로8길 29, 119호

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